Getting Started - Svelte Flag Icons v2

Requirements #

- Svelte 5 or later

Installation #

npx sv create myapp
cd myapp
pnpm i -D svelte-flag-icons

Basic Usage #

In a svelte file:

  import { Jp } from 'svelte-flag-icons';

<Jp />

IDE support #

If you are using an LSP-compatible editor, such as VSCode, Atom, Sublime Text, or Neovim, hovering over a component name will display a documentation link, features, props, events, etc.

Faster compiling #

If you need only a few icons from this library in your Svelte app, import them directly. This can optimize compilation speed and improve performance by reducing the amount of code processed during compilation.

  import Jp from 'svelte-flag-icons/Jp.svelte';

<Jp />

Passing down other attributes #

Since all icons have ...restProps, you can pass other attibutes as well.

<Jp id="my-svg" transform="rotate(45)" />

Import all #

Use `import * as Icon from 'svelte-flag-icons`.

  import * as Icon from 'svelte-flag-icons';

<Icon.Jp />
<Icon.Jp size="30" />